In the News

See Us Live & in Action Around Port Orange

Dr. Bannan and his team are always looking for ways to give back to the community and provide much-needed services and support, whether that’s public education, or just doing good deeds wherever they happen to be. Take a look at some of the amazing things our team has done in and around Port Orange that has gotten featured on the news!

Dr. Bannan Saves a Choking Man

One day, while enjoying a nice breakfast at First Watch, Dr. Bannan saw a man struggling to breathe a few tables over, clutching at his neck. Instinct took over and Dr. Bannan jumped into action to perform the Heimlich maneuver, as he could tell the man next to him was choking on his food. The food dislodged and the man was able to live another day.

Dr. Bannan reflects on this incident often, and its lesson that tomorrow is never promised, which is why it’s so important for him to show gratitude and love to everyone in his community every day.