Exploring Men’s Oral Health

June 14, 2018

Man flossing teethJune is men’s health month in the US. This month is dedicated to raising awareness about common oral and overall health concerns that affect men, especially those that are often overlooked. When it comes to dental care, research indicates that men are much less likely to keep up with their regular oral hygiene routines and preventive dental checkups. This puts them at increased risk for oral health issues that can negatively impact every aspect of their day to day life from the simplest smile to eating a healthy diet.

3 Tips for Picking the Right Water Flosser

October 28, 2017

Woman with braces using water flosserMost dental patients know that they need to brush and floss their teeth every day and visit a dentist twice a year for dental checkups. A good number of people even know that they need to choose a soft bristled tooth brush and floss that fits comfortably between their teeth. However, when you ask dental patients about water flosser, they often don’t know what these oral hygiene tools are. However, many patients could benefit from using a water flosser. In fact, they’re recommended for patients with traditional bracket and wire braces, those with dexterity concerns, and patients with gum disease. A water flosser uses high water pressure to help patients remove plaque and tartar buildup between teeth. Additionally, water flossers give patients the ability to clear plaque and tartar from the smallest pits and grooves in the smile and from around braces and dental restorations. Like any other oral hygiene product, no two water flossers are exactly the same, but you can find an effective water flosser that fits your needs and budget.

Dentist Examines Toothbrush Options

September 8, 2015

woman smiling and brushing teeth thanks to help with toothbrush optionsLately it seems like there’s nothing that hasn’t been touched by advancements in technology. Friendships are facilitated by social networks, and you can now even avoid a trip to the grocery store by ordering online in Port Orange. I don’t want to sound like a luddite — I love my smart phone as much as anyone else — but sometimes it seems like things are moving a little too fast.

There’s one thing that hasn’t changed much over the past few decades, though, and that’s the way we clean our teeth. There are two options, manual and electric toothbrushes, and one really is just as good as the other — it’s all in the way they’re used. Let’s take a look and see what the differences are, exactly.