What Do These 4 Kinds of Tooth Pain Mean?

October 31, 2019

Tooth pain

From keeping you up at night to making meals far more difficult than they need to be, tooth pain in Port Orange can make your day significantly worse. Obviously, you’ll want your dentist to help you get rid of the discomfort, but first you’ll need to figure out what’s causing it. Here are 4 different kinds of tooth pain you might suffer and what they mean – and most importantly, how they can be treated!

1. Temperature Sensitivity

You might feel pain whenever you bite into something hot or cold. In some cases it will pass quickly, but other times it might linger for 30 seconds or more.

Most of the time sensitive teeth are a sign worn-down enamel and gum recession (both of which could be caused by another oral health problem but might also just be the result of the natural wear and tear that comes with age). In these cases, you can treat your symptoms by switching to a toothpaste for sensitive teeth while also avoiding especially hot, cold or acidic foods. However, if sensitivity doesn’t improve after a week, there’s a good chance of tooth decay, fractures, exposed tooth roots or gum disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated by a dentist right away.

2. Dull, Persistent Aches

This is probably what many people would consider “typical” tooth pain. If you only experience minor, constant discomfort accompanied by gum swelling, it might just be a piece of food that got stuck in your teeth that you can remove with thorough flossing. Tooth pain that extends to the jaw could be a sign of nighttime teeth grinding, which can be prevented with a mouthguard. In the worst-case scenario, a constant dull pain could mean a tooth abscess, meaning there’s an infection that has reached the tooth’s root; if you think this is the case, you should call your emergency dentist in Port Orange immediately.  

3. Jabbing Pain

If there’s an inconsistent yet sharp pain that occurs under certain circumstances (such as biting on something, yawning or just touching the tooth), it more likely than not means your tooth has been physically damaged in some way. The enamel might have been cracked, the tooth might be fractured, or there could be a severe cavity. The sooner your dentist repairs the damage with a filling, crown or another kind of restoration, the better chance you’ll have of avoiding more serious problems.

4. Severe Throbbing Pain

An intense, distracting pain could mean that you have an infection, especially if you also notice swelling, discoloration, or bleeding in your gums. Sometimes the only way to treat an infection is with a root canal or an extraction. In either case, you’ll need to make an emergency dental appointment right away.

If you’re not sure how to describe your pain, don’t worry; your dentist can thoroughly examine your symptoms to figure out the underlying issue and treat it appropriately. Just remember that it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Ignoring tooth pain will always be the worst possible option!

About the Author

Dr. Sean Bannan worked as a dental assistant for several years under his father before eventually earning his Doctor of Dental Surgery. He is currently a member of the Florida Dental Association and is committed to continuing to learn about new treatments, techniques and technologies. To schedule an appointment for your tooth pain at his practice, Water’s Edge Dental, visit his website or call (208) 391-8554.