Your Dentist Discusses How Eating Disorders Affect Oral Health

January 30, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_bannan @ 5:01 pm

eating disorders signEating disorders pose a serious threat to a person’s overall health. Often, information about the devastating consequences of these conditions centers around the damage that improper nutrition can lead to for various bodily systems. However, what some people might not realize is that eating disorders can also be detrimental to a person’s oral health. Your dentist in Port Orange is here to explain why you should take extra care of your teeth if you are struggling with an eating disorder.


Bulimia is characterized by cycles of binging and purging. Often, the purging takes place in the form of vomiting soon after a meal, which can do horrible things to teeth. Vomit contains stomach acids, and continually exposing your teeth to such corrosive substances can wear away at the enamel. The result may be cavities, extreme tooth sensitivity, discoloration, and even tooth loss.

If you’re fighting against bulimia, remember to brush your teeth after you vomit, but don’t do so right away. The acids in vomit temporarily make your enamel softer, so brushing too soon can cause further damage. Wait 30 minutes to an hour before you brush. It’s also important to have regular appointments with your dentist so you can get a dental cleaning in Port Orange as well as restorative services if necessary.


Like bulimia, individuals who suffer from anorexia are afraid of becoming overweight. However, they cope with their fear by starving themselves. If you have this eating disorder in South Dayton, it’s important that you be aware of how it can affect your oral health.

Osteoporosis is one possible consequence. When you don’t take in the proper nutrition, your jaw can weaken and fail to hold your teeth as securely as it should, which may result in tooth loss. You might also experience a chronically dry mouth. Without enough saliva to wash away acids and bacteria, you are at an increased risk for cavities and bad breath.

Your dentist is willing to help you cope with the consequences that anorexia has on oral health. A mouth rinse may be able to address the dry mouth, but you might need more extensive treatments if you are in danger of losing your teeth or have already lost a few of them.

Preserving Your Smile

Your dentist hopes to help keep your smile in good shape, regardless of what health conditions you might be struggling to overcome. However, while treating the symptoms of an eating disorder is beneficial, getting to the heart of the problem will have the best long-term consequences for your oral and overall health. If you or someone you love has an unhealthy attitude toward food, your physician may be able to refer you to the experts who can help you work through the issue.

Eating disorders are serious for a number of reasons — including the terrible effects they can have on oral health.

About the Dentist

Dr. Sean Bannan is your skilled, compassionate dentist in Port Orange. If you are struggling with oral health issues due to an eating disorder or any other reason, please let us help. You can contact our office at 386-761-5883.